Sheena Boran’s Own Transition

This year, I’ve made a transition of my own: after ten years in the face-to-face classroom, I’m an online instructor. I’m embracing the challenges of this new environment, and I’ve enjoyed finding new ways to reach students. But teaching from behind a screen is isolating. I don’t pass colleagues in the hall or overhear snippets of other instructors’ lectures. (I do talk to my husband, who is also teaching online, but we talk about grocery lists and utility bills too, so pedagogical discussions feel a bit less focused.) Even our Teaching Circle, which has become a wonderful source of ideas and support, meets online (is there anything more awkward than a webcam, I ask you?).


That’s why, more than ever, I’m looking forward to this year’s Transitioning to College Writing Symposium. It’s a chance to see people, to talk with other teachers about what we do, and how and why we do it. It’s a chance to give and receive ideas, especially about writing in a digital age, which I was excited to see featured prominently in this year’s schedule. I’m so looking forward to spending time with colleagues from all kinds of writing classrooms and to talking about this thing we all do. See you in the halls!

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