Featured Presenters
Featured Presenters
This year’s featured presenters inlcude:
Bud Hunt
Kathleen Blake Yancey
Renee Moore
Daniel White
Bud Hunt
Clearview Library District, Colorado
Thursday October 19, 2:00pm
Facilitator for Workshop Writing Teachers Writing Workshop
Bud Hunt is the IT and Technical Services Manager for the Clearview Library District in northern Colorado, where he serves a highly committed team of librarians and support staff in their work to be of service to their community through access to information, tools, high quality resources and programming.
Formerly an instructional technologist for the St. Vrain Valley School District, where he worked with a strong team of educators and technologists, Bud believes in creating environments that support innovative teaching and learning while preserving freedom, choice, and opportunity for all learners across multiple contexts.
His extensive experience in both pedagogy and technical systems helps him to build bridges between the educational and technological sides of educational institutions. Bud advises others across the country on the thoughtful implementation of technology to support teaching and learning.
A long time ago, he taught high school language arts and journalism at Olde Columbine High School in Longmont, Colorado, where he learned about the importance of healthy human relationships in all matters of teaching and learning.
Bud is a teacher-consultant with the Colorado State University Writing Project, an affiliate of the National Writing Project, a group working to improve the teaching of writing in schools via regular and meaningful professional development. Bud is a former co-editor of the New Voices column of English Journal, a publication of the National Council of Teachers of English, and a co-founder of Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation.
In 2013, Bud was named a ConnectED Champion of Change by the White House.
Bud reads, writes, and worries about the future of reading and writing and teaching and learning at budtheteacher.com. Occasionally, he does workshops and conferences as a part-time consultant.
Kathleen Blake Yancey
Florida State University
Featured Keynote Speaker: Thursday October 19, 5:15pm
“Raising Questions about Composing in the 21st Century: The Role(s) of Language, Materials, Practices, Knowledge, and Reflection”
Featured Plenary Speaker: Friday October 20, 10:30am
“Bridging the Gap with Reflective Writing”
Kathy Blake Yancey, Kellogg W. Hunt Professor of English and Distinguished Research Professor, focuses her research on composition studies generally; on students’ transfer of writing knowledge and practice; on creative non-fiction; on cultural studies of everyday writing; on writing assessment, especially print and electronic portfolios; and on the intersections of culture, literacy and technologies.
In addition to co-founding the journal Assessing Writing and co-editing it for seven years, she is the immediate past editor of College Composition and Communication, the flagship journal in the field. She has also authored, edited, or co-edited thirteen scholarly books and two textbooks as well as over 100 articles and book chapters. Released in July 2016 is her latest volume, the edited collection A Rhetoric of Reflection, which considers reflection from multiple perspectives, including transfer, multimedia, assessment, and race and language. Her co-authored Writing across Contexts: Transfer, Composition, and Sites of Writing, released in 2014, demonstrates the efficacy of a new writing curriculum, Teaching for Transfer (TFT), and articulates a new theory of prior knowledge located in theories of assemblage, remix, and critical incidents; it won both the 2015 CCCC Research Impact Award and the 2016 Council of Writing Program Administrators Best Book Award.
She has served as president or chair of several scholarly organizations: the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE); the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC); the NCTE College Section and the College Forum; the Council of Writing Program Administrators; and the South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). She serves on the National Board for Miami University’s Howe Center for Writing Excellence, and on the Executive Committee for the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) as well as on editorial boards for several journals, including for College English; Kairos; Computers and Composition; and Double Helix. Earlier boards she has served on include the Steering Committee of the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the Steering Committee for the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) VALUE project focused on electronic portfolios.
With Barbara Cambridge and Darren Cambridge, she leads the Inter/National Coalition on Electronic Portfolio Research (ncepr.org). Now in its eleventh year, this coalition includes over 60 institutional partners from around the world. She is also the recipient of several awards, including the Florida State Graduate Mentor Award, the Donald Murray Writing Prize, and the Purdue University Distinguished Woman Scholar Award.
Her current research includes three major book projects: a co-edited collection, Assembling Composition, which will be published by the CCCC Studies in Writing and Rhetoric Series in 2017; a co-edited collection, Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity: Shadows of the Past, Issues of the Moment, and Prospects for the Future, currently under review; and a book project, The Way We Were: A Cultural History of Everyday Writing in the 20th Century United States. In addition, she is the lead PI for a 4-site study of the TFT writing curriculum supported by CCCC and CWPA Research Grants.
Renee Moore
Mississippi Delta Community College
Featured Plenary Speaker: Friday October 20, 1:30pm
“Transitioning Writers: A Community College Perspective”
Renee Moore, NBCT teaches English at Mississippi Delta Community College. The former high school English and journalism teacher was 2001 Mississippi Teacher of the Year as well as a recipient of the national Milken Educator Award. In 2013, Moore received the Ovid Vickers Award for Excellence in Teaching of English from her colleagues in the Two-Year College English Association of Mississippi (TYCAM).
Her publications include: Performance Pay for Teachers (2008) and Teaching 2030 (2011, Teachers College Press). Brown at 60: In the Delta, A Dream Deferred (May 2014 Education Week); Brown v. The African American Teacher: The Lingering Effects of Inequality In The American Public School Teacher: Past, Present, and Future. (May 2014 Harvard Press); Ready or Not. In New Directions for Community Colleges (Spring 2009 Jossey/Bass, Wiley). Moore also maintains a popular education blog, TeachMoore.
Daniel White
Mississippi College
Friday October 20, 1:30pm
“Forget Peer Review, Let’s Try Peer Tutoring: A Practical Model for Integrating Writing Center Pedagogy Into a Secondard Language Arts Classroom”
Daniel J. White is a former SWCA and current MSWCA president and board member. He teaches Information Literacy and Writing courses at Mississippi College, and he has collaborated on online tutoring and tutor training at three MS writing centers.
Title: Going Online: Building and Sustaining an Online Writing Center
Session Description: Transitioning an existing writing center to offer online tutoring can be challenging: selecting synchronous or asynchronous, picking a software platform, adding additional tutor training, negotiating writer and consultant privacy. There’s a lot to consider. This session reviews the development, implementation, and revision of an ongoing, online writing center program. Emphasizing the tutor training model developed for Mississippi College, attendees will see one center’s approach to creating and sustaining an online writing center.