No Writing Teacher Is an Island

Hello! I look forward to the inaugural Transitioning to College Writing Symposium next Friday and Saturday on the beautiful Ole Miss campus in Oxford. I appreciate all the hard work the CWR and the University has put into providing this event. I have been teaching writing for three decades, beginning as a graduate teaching assistant at two universities and teaching […]

Many hands make lighter work

Teaching writing may not ever seem like “light work,” but this symposium’s goal is help make the transition to college writing a bit lighter. Teachers at high schools, community colleges, and universities will come together to discuss current types of writing instruction and to encourage each other in the complex process of writing instruction. When I was rookie teacher, I […]

The Power of Community

Hello Writing Teachers! Early in my career, I taught in a poor, rural school district. Middle school and high school students were housed in one building. Because the area had so few resources, that school building was the community’s heart. Students ate breakfast and lunch at the school every weekday, even in the summers. Every student showed up at the […]

Making Connections

Hello Everyone! I want to echo Bob’s welcome to the Transitioning Symposium. We have been talking about this conference for such a long time, and it is so exciting to see it all come together. For me, as an educator, the hardest part about teaching is trying to find time to have conversations with other teachers. My focus is on […]