Ghosts of Multimodal Past, Present, and Future

I recently reviewed a book called Remixing Composition: A History of Multimodal Writing Pedagogy by Jason Palmeri. Among other things, the book made me think about what “multimodal” actually means, why it matters to teaching writing, and what we’re supposed to do with it moving forward. One of the most important things I took away from it is that multimodal […]

Sounding Like a Writer

Next Monday, 8 a.m., is my favorite teaching moment of the year, the first class on the first day of college for my students.  They shine with bright expectations of the adventure ahead.  This year I will shine, too, with expectations of how I can help them see themselves not just as students, but as writers.  I started thinking about […]

Teachable Moments

At the beginning of my teaching career, I was very fortunate to work with great colleagues who served as great mentors for me. One professor and I discussed how to incorporate valuable teaching moments.  He referred to it as teaching grammar within context by giving “micro” or “mini” lessons. This term quickly brought back memories of studying the works from […]