Christie Toth
Christie Toth is an Assistant Professor in the Writing & Rhetoric Studies program at the University of Utah. Her research interests include two-year college composition studies, transfer student writing experiences, writing assessment and placement, and tribal college writing instruction. Christie is also the Director of Undergraduate Studies at the University of Utah. We look forward to her sharing her research on transfer of knowledge at TCW 2020. Follow her on Twitter at Christie Toth @IvryTwrRpnzl!
John Warner
John Warner is a writer, editor, speaker, teacher, and consultant. John writes the Just Visiting blog at Inside Higher Ed where he has become a national voice on issues of faculty labor and writing pedagogy. His writing for IHE has resulted in his two most recent books on the teaching of writing, Why They Can’t Write: Killing the Five-Paragraph Essay and Other Necessities and The Writer’s Practice: Building Confidence in Your Nonfiction Writing.