Symposium Program

Thursday, October 24, 2019
1:30pm-5:30pmJackson Avenue Center Atrium
Registration & Sign-in
2:00pm-4:00pmJAC Auditorium A
PRE-SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOP with Don Unger & Liz Lane
"Cut, Paste, and Copy Your World: Using Zines to Introduce Community Writing"

This interactive workshop explores community writing as an emerging approach to writing instruction in K-12 and college classrooms. Drawing from their experience coordinating community-based projects and founding a free/open-access journal on activism and community organizing, the workshop coordinators define community writing, present project examples, and lead attendees in making a zine about what writing looks like in their communities. This workshop provides attendees with resources for adapting this assignment in their classes as well as resources for learning more about how community writing informs teaching and research.
4:30pm-5:15pmJAC Auditorium B
Introductions by Dr. Ellen Shelton, UMWP
Plenary Workshop with Isabel Baca
5:30pm-7:30pmJAC Atrium
Poster Session
• Emily Cooley “From Farm to Fork: Going Green Locally”
• Anhua Feng “The Application of Teacher Leadership in Student Writing”
• Colleen Thorndike “CompQuest: a Writing Process Gamification”
• Don Unger “Lessons in Community Organizing from Mississippi’s Black Worker-Owned & Operated Co-ops in the 1960s & 70s”
• Gabrielle Vogt “Using Their Own Voices: Exploring the Writing of English Language Learners in a Mississippi Middle School”
• Marc Watkins “Real-Time Assessment in Writing Intensive Course”

Reception & Networking Event
Food and drinks from My Michelle’s with beer and wine
7:30pmJAC Atrium
A Toast in Memory of Jason Jones
Friday, October 25, 2019
8:00am-11:00amJAC Atrium
Registration Open
8:00am-8:30amJAC Atrium
Breakfast & Morning Announcements
8:40am-9:30amJAC Auditorium AJAC Auditorium BJAC Auditorium C1JAC Auditorium C2
“FYC Writing Groups: Student-Directed Communities Inside and Outside of the Classroom” with Kellye Makamson, Whit Hubbard, Brad Campbell, and Karen Forgette“Audience, Community, Word Choice: Teaching Students How to Write Who They Are” with Gretchen Bunde
“Blog About It: Improving Student Writing with Blogs” with Shimikqua Ellis, Sarah Campbell, Kaylie Hadley, Maya Upton
“Writing Place: The Power of Local Histories” with Kathi Griffin
“Community Mapping for Topic Generation” with Jennifer Ringo
“Putting Grammar in Its Place: A Guide for Teachers” with Angela Green and Gannella Graham
9:40am-10:30amJAC Auditorium AJAC Auditorium BJAC Auditorium C1JAC Auditorium C2
“Duel(ing) Credits Revisited: Building Communities in the Composition Classroom” with Josh Green, Cassie Cox, and Scotty Smith“It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Write: Piloting a Co-Requisite Course” with Jenny Bucksbarg and Alison Hitch
“Building Bridges by Listening: Using Podcasts in the Writing Classroom” with Amber Nichols-Buckley and Paige Whitten
“Using Tussie Mussies to Heighten Language Awareness” with Kate Hooper
“Using an Interactive Model to Enhance and Engage Students in Critical Thinking” with Charlsie Haire and Shokhsanen Djalilova
“Helping Students Find Individual Voice in a Standardized World” with Mary Ann Parker, Drew Barham,and Mary Kylie Ruff
10:35am-10:50amJAC Atrium
Coffee & Conversation
Complete Win the Fin items, meet fellow teachers, visit vendor tables, have a snack
11:00am-11:50amJAC Auditorium A
KEYNOTE SESSION with Isabel Baca
"Writing while Serving, Serving while Writing"

As writing instructors, we must prepare students for the world beyond academia. To this end, students must write for the world, not just for the writing teacher. Service-learning, as a teaching and learning tool, allows students to write for, with, and about their communities. It allows them to write and learn while they serve, and serve while they write and learn.
12:00pm-1:00pmJAC Auditorium A
Writing Across the Curriculum Panel: Breaking Out of the Classroom and Entering the Discipline with University of Mississippi Professors: Mark Frezzo, Sociology, Shirley Gray, Writing & Rhetoric, and Kerri Scott, Forensic Chemistry
1:10-2:00pmJAC Auditorium AJAC Auditorium B
“Are You My Neighbor: Building Community by Mapping Mississippi’s Writing Centers”

with Liz Egan and Millsaps Writing Center Staff
“Monumental Challenges: Experiences of Two Student Activists”

with Arielle Hudson and Leah Davis
2:10pm-3:00pmJAC Auditorium AJAC Auditorium BJAC Auditorium C
“METP Voices Part II: The Challenges, Nuts, and Bolts of Teaching Writing”
with Shelby Knighten, Drew Hall, Meg Besaw, Kaypounyers May, Jenna Smiley, and Gabrielle Vogt
“A Community of Stories: Using Sutori for Research and Writing” with Colleen Thorndike and Marc Watkins
“Beyond First Year Composition: Creating Knowledge Builders” with Wendy Goldberg and Meredith Harper
“Know Your Neighbors: Writing Centers Building Community Through Outreach Engagement” with Jeanine Rauch, Josh Green, Daymon Kiliman, Brad Campbell, and Chelsea Starnes
“It Takes a Village: The Impact of Collaboration on Adolescent Writing” with Tarra Taylor, Melissa Avant, Jennifer Booher, and Jessica Jayroe
3:00pm-3:30pmJAC Auditorium A
Wrap Up
Cookies, door prizes, Win the Fin, etc...
3:30pm-4:00pmJAC Auditorium A
TCW Planning Team Only
debriefing and general planning for TCW 2020